What are the types of healthcare waste?

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Healthcare waste means the things we have to discard after usage. It can include various items such as boxes, dirty bandages, and many more items that are being used in the healthcare industry. Also, it contains the material that comes into the contact with the patients during the various treatment procedures.

You can find different types of healthcare waste such as general and infectious waste. It includes many other wastes as well. This waste may be hazardous for the people so one can adopt some safety measures to remove these waste residuos sanitarios carefully.

healthcare waste

In this article, we will discuss the types of healthcare waste. And, you can find the related content regarding the waste below:

  • Infectious healthcare waste: In this waste, some infectious and contaminated material is included that can be dangerous to anybody on the earth. So, while removing this waste, try not to throw it in an open area so that it affects other people.
  • Sharp wastes: Sharp needles, scalpels, broken glass, knives, and razors are included in the sharp wastes. It is also a matter of concern to where to throw this sharp waste. So, who is responsible to do this task to be attentive and protective so that it cannot come into contact with any person as it may lead to dangerous conditions?
  • Pharmaceutical waste: in this residuossanitarios waste, you can find unused or expired drugs such as pills, creams, and other medical materials.
  • Radioactive waste: It includes the radioactive material that is used in the healthcare industry. So, while removing this waste, one needs to take care the necessary measures so that it can not harm anybody.
  • Chemical waste: This waste is full of chemical, and liquid waste such as batteries, disinfections, machines, and other soluble waste. It is also a hazardous waste if it comes into contact with any person.
  • General waste: It is a general waste that includes non-hazardous waste that can not harm anybody. However, one should adopt safety measures while removing any waste whether it is hazardous or non-hazardous waste.

So, the above are the types of waste, anyone needs to understand them if you belong to the healthcare industry.



The above discussion is enough for understanding the types of healthcare waste. These are the waste that can be contaminated and infectious, so try to be careful while dealing with this type of waste if you are a cleaner. In the end, you need to be ready to adopt some safety measures to remove garbage or waste.